Hey, this is Bugra, a former computer engineer turned psychologist. I am interested in sharing stories and philosophies I am learning along the way. I wouldn’t define myself by my jobs or education, but it’s the best way (so far) to give a brief overview of me and my content.

I’m eager to share essays that combine different aspects of life (such as science, psychology, philosophy, technology, and productivity) with my own experiences. Although I try to back up any vague information with scientific literature, no scientific paper is the same. It’s a lifetime’s work to immediately grasp whether an academic paper conforms to good research practices, but I try my best.

If one of the connections or insights sparks an idea for improving your current circumstances, I’m a happy man. If you have any insight, story, or feedback, hit me up via email. I try to get back to emails within one week unless you are a robot.


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